Q&A with passionate underground house music producers PaperMacheTiger

Bringing passion and creative drive back into house music is something one can certainly say after checking out PaperMacheTiger’s new EP ‘Way Of Life’ via Deep Fix Recordings. This team combines influences of acid, techno, the Detroit electronic scene as well one of the most lively party cities of the world – Berlin all in mind when crafting their sound. The overall sound of this EP is underground house with precision and structure. The duo is set to feature on the Perry Farrell/ Janes Addiction Anniversary Remix boxset alongside names like Solomun and Booka Shade.

While we wait for this remix to be unveiled, we chatted with this dynamic team Mick Wilson & Dylan Debut a.k.a PaperMacheTiger.

Stream/Download: Way of Life

Tell us about your earliest musical memory?

All a bit hazy as music has been in my life from a very young age; playing the piano from very young, to listening to the radio, buying records. Showing my age here…

At what point in your life did you have that moment where you said to yourself “This is it. This is the type of music I want to create?”

Again, from a very young age. I was always into synthesisers and electronic synth music, so probably about the age of fourteen I started to explore this path and then it just grew from there.

Please list some of the most influential albums on your creative outlook and output:

Apex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85-92. I see this in a lot of listings when it comes to influential albums, but there is a reason for this.

Burial – Untrue

Quincy Jones – Michael Jackson Thriller

Radiohead – Kid A (any Radiohead album) truly groundbreaking band that creates music from all angles.

To be honest, it is very difficult to answer a question like this. We could talk for a week about the most influential albums that have helped define my journey through music; from Hip Hop, Electronica, Classical, pop, to stuff that is completely out there and random.

What key pieces of gear/software are you using to define your sound?

We use a lot of Moog hardware as well as Roland and Korg, however, we like to run these through additional hardware like FX units, amps and pedals in order to create something slightly more unique. We throw some things through Erika Synths Black Sequencer, this really does help to create some great soundscapes.

What inspires you outside of music? What do you turn to when the creative well runs a little low?

To be honest, everything inspires me; from day to day to film, to art, to books. Just getting out and about and observing, taking note of what is going on around yourself, the surroundings. All these things help to top up the creative well.

What is your opinion on the ever spreading sub-genre vine? Are there too many? Do you think there’ s perhaps a sub-genre that doesn’t get the attention it deserves?

Too many plain and simple/okay sub-genres and genres help to categorise a sound. However when it all starts getting silly and everything needs to be slotted into a sub-genre with every week something new pops out, it becomes all a little bit like The Emperor’s New Clothes. I suppose it feeds the demands for something new, inventing a new sub-genre to keep things appearing fresh and innovative.

Studio work and music creation or performing and interacting with a live audience, what do you prefer?

Depends on the day, at times I just love sitting in the studio and being creative from that side of things even if it is just playing with the machines moreover making a track. Other days it has to be interacting with a crowd, playing great records/music and getting a superb reaction. It all works together, this is what feeds the passion.

As a music artist, it becomes apparent that there is a huge difference between the art and the business. Is there anything about the music scene that you would personally change?

Greed across the industry full stop. And the wanting of instant fame. You have to be put into the scene, earn your stripes and through this equally, your hard work and efforts need to be recognised. An artist needs to be able to treat their craft as a way of life without having to worry about how to pay the bills,  and how to get on in the world. They should have the ability to earn from their creations. Greed is what drives a lot of the anguish as it all becomes about “the one” making the most money and not even looking to redistribute it in an even manner where everyone wins. We could look at the argument around streaming companies and the low royalty rates paid out to artists as an example. If the balance of distribution was better a lot more artists could sustain a way of life from their music. There really is enough for everyone in this pie.

Any new or upcoming artists on your radar? Who shouldn’t the world sleep on?

Tia Cousins. She is great, plays a diverse spread of underground music. Check her out for sure.

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

We’ve got a whole load of stuff that will be hitting soon. We’ve got a collab with DJ Pierre. We are pretty excited about this coming out on his Afro Acid label. There is also new music coming through on Exit Planet Earth, RAWAX which explores other avenues of underground music. And we are also working on a new radio show for OpenLab – a super-diverse station based in Ibiza that really explores fresh music, with music discovery at its core.

One last thought to leave your fans with?

Always be true to the music, it is the music that drives the scene from the listeners to the creators.

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