Interview with intricate percussive house music duo Jaffna

 Image credit: Camille Dampierre

Paris based music duo Jaffna was established in 2014, and since then have made waves with their previous hit ‘Headlines’ which was also accompanied by a bold music video release featuring noteworthy BMX riders showing off their talent. Consisting of music producers and percussionists Bravin and Stan, this production team leave much to admire with one transcending melodic house banger after the next. When looking for inspiration the guys are known to be fuelled by travelling and the unique intricacies that exist in these experiences. Their new single ‘Oslo’ was written when Bravin and Stan spent one Christmas in Oslo years before. Listening to the track ‘Oslo’ one is immediately drawn to its mystery and uplifting soundscapes. 

We asked the guys the question on everyone’s mind, and that is why they released the track ‘Oslo’ years later? We find this out and more below.

Stream/Download: ‘Oslo’

Tell us about your earliest musical memory?

My first piano lesson as a child back in London :).

How did you guys meet and form Jaffna?

Bravin used to date Stan’s sister :), Jaffna was then formed on a family Christmas holiday to Norway.

At what point in your life did you have that moment where you said to yourself ,”This is it. This is the type of music I want to create?”

On our trip to Oslo! Where we created our latest single.

Please list some of the most influential albums on your creative outlook and output:

A.R Rahman (the artist as a whole), Bonobo, Kiasmos, Jon Hopkins.

What key pieces of gear/software are you using to define your sound?

A lot! It keeps changing, so it’s difficult to be precise :).We work on Ableton and mostly use software as opposed to hardware synths.

What inspires you outside of music? What do you turn to when the creative well runs a little low?

Films! We are cinephiles and love finding inspiration from images.

You previously mentioned that you wrote ‘Oslo’ years ago. Why have you decided to release it now?

The track wasn’t mature back then and lacked direction. We have reworked it since as we always had a special sentimental value attached to it.

What is your opinion on the ever spreading sub-genre vine? Are there too many? Do you think there’ s perhaps a sub-genre that doesn’t get the attention it deserves?

It’s a portal to new ideas and influences, and that is definitely a good thing.

Studio work and music creation or performing and interacting with a live audience, what do you prefer?

Bravin prefers studio work and Stan performing live!

As a music artist, it becomes apparent that there is a huge difference between the art and the business. Is there anything about the music scene that you would personally change?

It’s true that it’s very different, but luckily it’s beginning to change. Music is becoming more and more accessible due to social media/blogs etc. People are also aware and open to new concepts and music. A few years ago an independent artist without a major label would have struggled to make a name for themselves, this is less of the case now.

Any new or upcoming artists on your radar? Who shouldn’t the world sleep on?

Poté – certainly worth checking out!

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

Our debut album releases in October this year!

One last thought to leave your fans with?

“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for Music” – Sergei Rachmaninov

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