
Interview with French DJ & Producer Martin Alix

Martin Alix 23 years old is a DJ/producer from Paris. Influenced by the french music touch, he loves house music and disco. One can hear his tunes are uplifting and joyable, which creates a very nice vibe and atmosphere. He has received support by Norman Doray, Arno Cost, Sabb amoungs others and regarding his future career, he is not slowing down. As you can further read in the following interview, Martin Alix is currently working on new tracks and is planning on sharing new productions with several music labels.

We are very happy that Martin Alix had the time and willingness to conduct this interview with us. Read about his equipment, favorite artists and future plans below.

Hi there, how are you and what are you up to today?
Fine thanks you! Working hard my projects , i’m trying actually to finish several tracks.

To those not familiar with you, how would you describe your sound?
I love working with disco sample . I love use different stuff like disco riff or groovy vocals who allow to bring a special vibe to my work. My sound get close to between house and disco.

What are the 5 albums and artists that have influenced you the most?
All the French Touch influenced me.
Albums : Morrison Hotel ( The Doors ) / Pink Floyd – The Dark Side Of The Moon

What other artists do you really like at the moment and why?
Folamour, Purple Disco Machine and Detroit Swindle. I love their work !
And i love french producers like Gaba, LOG, Tomaas All, and many others … These guys are so talented and also really nice.

What are some of the key pieces of gear you use to write your tracks in the studio? Or do you prefer to use software and plug ins?
I prefer to use software and plugins , more easy and transportable.

Has your arsenal of equipment changed much since you first started?
Yes ! When i began music, i had only a laptop and earphone, few plugins. 7 years later, i work with great monitorings  and now i have a lot of plugins and stuff to improve my work,

Do you enjoy playing to an audience or working in the studio?
Both !

If we gave you the budget to put a line-up together for a mini fest, who would you book and where would you play?
A french line up for sure ! Daft Punk B2B Justice !

If you weren’t a musician what would you be?
Musician ah ah

Do you have any information regarding upcoming releases, projects, DJ mixes or collaborations in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?
In 2018 i have few release who comes ! I had release my first track to 2018 1 month ago it’s called ” On Air ” release on Spira Music.
My track ” Boulogne ” release 6 april on Krome Boulevard Music
I have an other track will be release on Nervous Records
An ep with my friend Tomaas All,
and  acolloboration with LOG !
Lot of projects for 2018 !

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